India finds Ayurvedic drugs for COVID 19

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The government and doctors are trying hard to find a vaccine for the novel coronavirus. But according to official reports, it might take around 18 months to develop a vaccine.

Amidst the lockdown, Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked general public to follow the guidelines from the Ministry of Ayush, which recommends certain home remedies to boost immunity.

The world has been relying on the Ayurvedic system of medicine from ages. Thus, doctors may soon start human trials of ayurvedic medicines to treat COVID in India.

In states of Goa, Kerala and Harayana, doctors have already started administering Ayurvedic medicines to asymptomatic patients and frontline workers.

The Ministry of Ayush had sought suggestions from doctors across India practising Homeopathy and Ayurveda and have received more than 2,000 proposals. A media report stated that a task force has studied these proposals and has shortlisted one protocol, which might be notified soon.

Once it will be notified, the Ayurvedic trials on COVID 19 patients are expected to begin.

The trials will first be done on asymptomatic patients and suspected patients, gradually moving on to serious ones and so on.

According to the Ayush Minister Shripad Y Naik, the task force will be studying the proposals thoroughly before they are sent for further research with the Indian Council of Medical Research.

He added: “The ICMR would then revert to the ministry with its opinion on whether or not to go ahead with this line of therapy. In China, they have used traditional medicines along with allopathic drugs. We are awaiting a final decision on this and can expect it within this month.”

At the time of this global crisis, boosting our immunity is our best bet to save ourselves from the deadly virus. The task force and ministry of Ayush are currently trying to find out if there is any inter-drug reaction when patients are given ayurvedic medicines alongside allopathy drugs to fight COVID 19.

The Kerela government has already recommended taking recourse to Ayurveda to contain coronavirus infections. It is also being given to the patients who are recovering from the infections. Telangana has already notified the Ayurvedic hospitals to treat patients who have contracted the coronavirus infection.

Source -E Times

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