Sri Lanka ranked 16th place among most insecure twenty countries in the world facing the COVID-19 epidemic, reported in Deep Knowledge Group analysis.
Sri Lanka tops the list, with Italy, the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain and France top the list. India is way above us with 15th place
When countries such as South Korea and Australia are classified as high security in the Asia Pacific region, and Vietnam and Thailand are classified as medium security countries, Sri Lanka ranks among the low security countries in the region.
The report, released on April 12 by the Hong Kong-based Deep Knowledge Group, looks at 72 categories classified under 12 categories. It has taken into consideration the risk of the epidemic spreading in the country, the management of the state, the productivity of the health facilities, and the regional danger.
According to this list, Israel, Germany, South Korea, Australia and China are the safest countries in the COVID-19 epidemic. The effectiveness of quarantine in these countries, their identification of patients, their effectiveness in managing the disease of the respective governments, and their readiness to treat patients in the event of an emergency is at the top of the list.
Germany is the country most effectively treating the COVID-19 epidemic. Other countries receiving the best treatment are China, South Korea, Austria, and Hong Kong.
Germany has been recognized as the country with the most government support to overcome this epidemic. Governments in the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Austria have also been among the countries that have supported the epidemic.
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