Coronavirus emerged at the end of 2019, but there are already signs that some patients will take longer to recover.
The cure time depends on how sick you are with this virus. Some people get rid of the disease very quickly, but for others it causes durable health problems.
Age, gender, and other health problems all contribute to an increased risk of serious illness due to Coronavirus.
The more serious your treatment, the longer it will take to recover.
What if there are only minor symptoms?
Most people infected with the new coronavirus show only the main symptoms, such as cough or flu. But they can also cause symptoms such as body pain, fatigue, sore throat, and headaches.
Dry cough may occur first, but some people may develop a skin cough containing dead lung cells due to the virus.
Relaxation, drinking as many fluids as possible, and taking painkillers such as paracetamol are treatments for these symptoms.
“I am the nurse who deactivates the ventilator for patients who die.”
People with minor symptoms will soon recover. Although the cough may last longer, the fever subsides in less than a week. After analyzing the data in China, the World Health Organization (WHO) says that it usually takes two weeks for a person infected with Coronavirus to recover.
What if there are more serious symptoms?
Some people may have serious symptoms. Symptoms may show up to seven to ten days after the virus is infected.
The onset of severe symptoms can occur very quickly, suddenly. Lung function is affected by breathing difficulties. When the body’s immune system tries to fight back, it causes additional damage to the body by over-reacting.
Coronavirus update: Follow the latest news in our daily wrap.
Some people also require hospitalization for oxygen treatment.
“It takes a considerable amount of time for the breathing difficulties to go away.
She says it takes two to eight weeks to recover, but she often feels fatigued.
What if intensive care is needed?
The World Health Organization estimates that one out of every twenty people needs intensive care. Intensive care includes unconsciousness and breathing apparatus.
Regardless of the condition, it will take longer to recover from the acute condition that is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Such patients are transferred to a general ward before returning home.

Dr. Allison Pittard, Dean of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, says that recovery from acute care can take 12 to 18 months.
Coronavirus: “Infected more than once”
Extending too long in a hospital bed can lead to excessive muscle loss. That will make the patients weaker and take longer to rebuild the muscle. Some people also require physical therapy to walk again.
Due to the variety of conditions the body is experiencing in the intensive care unit, it can also cause confusion and mental disorders.
“There seems to be an additional component of the disease, which is the viral fatigue, which is definitely a strong factor,” said Paul Twos, an acute-care physiotherapist at the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.
Reports from patients in China and Italy have reported weakness, difficulty breathing after any degree of exhaustion, persistent coughing and irregular breathing. It can also lead to the need for prolonged sleep.
“We know that it takes a considerable amount of time, sometimes months, for patients to recover, but it is difficult to say as a general rule. Some patients spend relatively short periods in the ICU, while others need to be kept in machines that make breathing easier for weeks.” . “
Will the coronavirus affect my health in the long run?
Although there is no known long-term data on this, other complications can be looked at.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (Ards) can cause severe respiratory distress syndrome, with the immune system working too fast and damaging the lungs.
“Even after five years, there is really good data on how sick people can be in constant physical and mental distress,” says Paul Twos.
Dr. James Gill, a lecturer at the Warrick Medical School, says people need mental health support to fully recover.
“You have trouble breathing, and the doctor says we’ll have to install you on a breathing machine (ventilator). Or we’ll have you unconscious. Do you want to leave your family?” .
“Post-traumatic stress disorder is not surprising in such critically ill patients. Many people have significant psychological scars.”
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Sometimes patients with only minor symptoms can have long-term health problems. There is a possibility of fatigue, especially in cases of fatigue.
How many have healed?
Getting the right number is very difficult. By April 22, the Johns Hopkins University reported that about 700,000 of the more than 2.5 million people infected had recovered.
But countries use different methods of reporting patients. Some countries do not publish recovery figures, and often patients with minor symptoms may be excluded.
Mathematical estimates show that 99-99.5% of patients recover.
Covid-19 Can I Infect Again?
Although there is little evidence of how long immunity lasts, many speculations remain. If patients successfully fight the virus, they must have immunity.
Some people have been reported to have been infected twice with the virus, and this may be due to erroneous test results.
Immunization matters are important for people to understand how the disease recovers and how effective any vaccine.
COVID-19 virus emerged at the end of 2019, but there are already signs that some patients will take longer to recover.
The cure time depends on how sick you are with this virus. Some people get rid of the disease very quickly, but for others it causes durable health problems.
Age, gender, and other health problems all contribute to an increased risk of serious illness due to COVID-19.
The more serious your treatment, the longer it will take to recover.
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